Friday, March 18, 2011

Claire's a Stinker

When Claire woke up from her nap today, Jeff and I went in to get her together.  We were met with an overwhelming odor.

She had pooped during her nap, removed her diaper, and made a huge mess.  Yes that's her diaper and poop in the middle of the room.
She had poop under her fingernails and she even had poop breath!  Yuck!  I immediately took Claire to the tub and Jeff had the hard job of cleaning poop off of every surface imaginable.  She's our little stinker.


  1. I've had another friend tell the same story. I'm hoping and praying that never happens to me. So sorry!!!

  2. Both our older children also went through this. Got so bad with Elliot, that we would put him in his zip up jammies backwards so he couldn't get into that diaper!
